“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.”
- Matthew 25:35

Claire Losardo, Leader

Community Food Pantry & Clothing Closet

Available every first Saturday of the month, 9 a.m.–12 noon.

(One box per family per month.To register, please bring a photo ID and proof of address.)

Saint Peter’s food pantry is one way we are being the hands and feet of Christ. Through generous donations of food, diapers, hygiene products and school supplies, we are able to share God‘s blessing us with over 100 families who walk through our pantry doors each month. We want them to receive not only food to feed their physical needs, but kindness and grace to feed their spiritual and emotional needs.

How to Give:

  1. Click here to view the Saint Peter’s Food Pantry Amazon Wishlist.

  2. You can bring donations to Saint Peter’s and drop off items.

Thanksgiving is over and the shopping rush is on, but not for everyone.  Let's take a break from our own lives and think of those less fortunate.  Putting a smile on someone's face or hearing a child's laughter can make a world of difference.  Let's, each and everyone of us, try to do that by just donating a small item.  All gifts donated to this great ministry are greatly appreciated.