Bible Quest
Bible Quest: a Journey through the Christian Scriptures is a discussion of all the books of the New Testament. The objective of the Quest is to read and discuss each book applying what was learned to daily living. The study is designed so participants may join the discussions at any time. Bible Quest meets Mondays at noon and Thursday evenings.
Brown Bag Book Club
Anyone from Saint Peter's is welcome to join a lively discussion on a current book choice. We meet at noon on Wednesdays, for an hour (bring your own snack). We explore and relate to a particular book and author, and how he or she, 'speaks' to us. Our focus has been on searching for meaning and understanding in what is often referred to as 'the second half of life'. What we have learned is that the second half of life can begin at any age! We choose authors who have used their experiences as Christian leaders to teach and guide others. Participants should acquire the book themselves or let the office know that they need help in doing so. The group reads ahead 1-2 chapters before each meeting. Please join us for wonderful fellowship, meaningful discussion on all aspects of life, and loving support as we grow with each other.
Daughters of the King - Imogene Chapter
The Order of the Daughters of the King is a spiritual sisterhood of women dedicated to a life of Prayer, Service, and Evangelism. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, our vision is to know Jesus Christ, to make him known to others, and to reflect God's love throughout the world. An Order is a community under a religious rule requiring members to take solemn lifelong vows to follow the Rule of Prayer and Service supporting our church and clergy. We wear our cross daily as an outward and visible sign that we cannot live a day without Christ.
Education for Ministry
Education for Ministry is an in-depth study to prepare Christians for their role as ministers of Jesus's work as described in our baptismal vows, which can also be called the "priesthood of all believers." This is a program that meets weekly during the academic year in a supportive group to discover how to respond to the call to Christian service and to discern and live out our unique ministries.Through worship, reading, study, discussion, guided reflection, and theological reflection, the seminars furnish an opportunity to deepen understanding of scripture, tradition, and what it means to be effective ministers in the world.Topics include the Hebrew Bible, The New Testament, Church History, and Theology and Ethics. Theological reflection is an important tool in reflecting on our readings, and interlude readings are included.
Inquirer's Class (Confirmation)
Would you like to learn more about the Episcopal Church? Whether you are new to our congregation or have been a part of Saint Peter's for a long time, you're invited to attend Inquirer Workshop! This six week workshop for kids and adults is full of lively discussions and is held at Parish Hall. These classes are especially important (and required) for those planning to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church when the bishop visits St. Peter's in October.
The topics, led by Rev. Greg Warren, Rev. Peggy Cromwell, and Rev. Dr. Linda Brown along with others include:
What we believe—Creeds and Sacraments
Our Liturgical Calendar and Lectionary—what we hear
Book of Common Prayer
What’s that called—the strange language we use
What we do when we do the Eucharist
The Journey
Journey is a movement of the church. Its purpose is to help those in the church understand their individual callings to be Christian Leaders. The leadership may be exercised in work situations, in the family and social life, in leisure activities, and within the Church environment. Leadership, in Journey, does not mean power over others, but influence on others; all of us need to be aware that we can exert a positive influence on those around us.Journey is a weekend retreat, designed to enliven the faith of interested Christians so they may begin to discover Jesus' will for their lives, then return home and work to strengthen and bless their local church and communities in light of the Kingdom of God.The retreat is based on a method of living the Christian life that has been presented in many denominations for over 70 years. It is a method that works! It focuses on how the resources of our faith strengthen and support our apostleship, and it emphasizes those elements of doctrine and discipline which empower us to reach out. It also offers a method for ongoing support.Recognizing that we are all children of Christ, The Journey is open to adults from any denomination, and non-Episcopalians are encouraged to participate. Since the retreat is presented by Episcopalians, the weekend services are from the Book of Common Prayer with full participation by those of other denomination.
Servant Leadership School
The Servant Leadership School offers a practice-centered curriculum which illuminates the nature of truly effective leadership at every level of life - family, church, workplace, and community. Financial assistance for tuition is available.
Small Groups
Small Groups are a spiritual formation experience. Meeting regularly in the homes of some of our parishioners, the small groups share food, laughter and study and discuss a topic of spiritual importance. Using shared texts to guide learning and formation, the groups develop friendships and connections, while deepening their shared belief. If you are interested in a small group, see Rev. Peggy Cromwell.
Ten Talks
Ten Talks take place on Sunday mornings at 10am in Room 3 of the Education Wing. They are a place to share how God is at work in your life, work, hobby, or passion. Come listen, learn, or share your own experience. Open to all ages.