Bethlehem House

The first Tuesday of each month one of two teams provides a meal for the residents and guests of Bethlehem House. Every other month the Traditional Team drops off pre-assigned food items (entrees, vegetables, salad) to be enjoyed that evening. On alternating months the Hands On Team meets a day or two before our Adopt-a-Meal dates to make preparations in the Bethlehem House kitchen, giving us an opportunity for fellowship with each other as well as the residents. If you don't mind picking up an extra frozen casserole at the store and making a quick delivery occasionally, the Traditional Team is for you. Or, regardless of what is said about too many cooks in the kitchen, the Hands On Team can always put more hands to work.

Christmas Meals

The Christmas meal team takes over from Meals on Wheels on Christmas Day to make sure everyone enjoys a delicious home cooked feast. All those in the Conway community desiring a warm Christmas dinner are also invited to be served in the parish hall.

Church Women United

An ecumenical group composed of several denominations that sponsors and supports programs throughout the year such as National Prayer Day, World Community Day, May Friendship Day, and Lenten Soup Lunches. It is powerful to know that all across the country and the world Christians are coming together without regard of denominations to celebrate and praise God!

Food Pantry

Our Food Pantry is one of the most tangible ways we help those in need in our area.

Don't forget your items to bring this Sunday! You may also drop off items in the church lobby anytime during the week. With your help we are able to provide food to those in need. Thank you!

  • 1st Sunday- 2 mac & cheese, 2 Corn muffin Mix, 2 cans green beans

  • 2nd Sunday- 2 cans soup, 1 16oz peanut butter, 1 jelly (no glass)

  • 3rd Sunday- 2 cans whole kernel corn, 1 box of cereal, 2 pkg. ramen

  • 4th Sunday- 2 cans tuna/water, 2 pkg spaghetti pasta, 2 can sauce

  • Extra Sundays- canned fruit, potatoes, onions

**If you are bringing fresh produce to donate, please contact someone with a key and see that it is placed in the food pantry refrigerators.

The Food Pantry is open every 1st and 3rd Saturdays. 9am - 12noon.

One box per family per month.

To register, please bring a photo ID and proof of address.

Food Pantry Amazon Wish List

Saint Peter’s food pantry is one way we are being the hands and feet of Christ. Through generous donations of food, diapers, hygiene products and school supplies, we are able to share God‘s blessing us with over 100 families who walk through our pantry doors each month. We want them to receive not only food to feed their physical needs, but kindness and grace to feed their spiritual and emotional needs. "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in." -Matthew 25:35

Click here to view the Saint Peter’s Food Pantry wishlist.

Guatemala Mission

Guatemala is a beautiful country with an incredibly poor population of indigenous Mayan people. Each year a group from St. Peter’s takes part in a mission trip to the western region of Guatemala where many of the Mayan people live in mountain villages with little or no health care. Our mission team is composed of Episcopalians from around the Diocese, in particular from St. Peter’s and St. Mark’s in Little Rock, as well as service-minded people from the community of Conway. Working closely with the Suffragan Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Guatemala and the Rev. Roberto Armas (priest and physician from Quetzaltenango), the team sets up temporary medical clinics in several mountain villages, delivering invaluable healthcare and medications to people who have sometimes walked miles to see a physician. In a typical week, we are able to provide health care for nearly 500 patients. On several occasions, we have been able to take surgical teams to perform minor sinus surgeries as well.

Planning for upcoming trips starts every year in August and September. To support this trip, the Guatemala Medical Missions team at St. Peter’s organizes fundraisers throughout the year to raise funds for medication, medical devices, and other expenses. For more information, visit our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages.

The Littles Basket

The Littles Basket is a basket in the lobby where you can place your newly purchased travel sized toiletries (shampoo, toothpaste, soap, body wash, conditioner, Kleenex, feminine products).

These products go to our Food Pantry, the Bethlehem House, The Abused Women's Shelter, The Ronald McDonald House at Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock.

Little Free Library

Designed and built by architect Steve Hurd, Saint Peter's Episcopal Church Little Free Library was painted by Karen Collins and is curated by Stephanie Vanderslice. Donations for all ages are welcomed and visitors are encouraged to take a book or bring a book any time.

Thanksgiving Basket Outreach

This project is designed to feed families in their own homes at Thanksgiving by collecting, packing and distributing the raw groceries for a home-cooked Thanksgiving dinner while also bagging one ton of rice into one-lb bags to support the area food pantries. Conservatively, we feed about 1300 people. The background work involves gathering people, food and funds through the St. Peter's Congregation, the Conway Title One school counselors, and the high school honor societies. The project goes "live" usually the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.

The Wisdom House Project

In the Fall of 2015, sixteen Saint Peter’s parishioners met with the intention to respond to the need of Syrians affected by civil war. As the worst humanitarian crisis our planet has seen in over 60 years continues to unfurl in Syria, those most affected are the children. Thousands of orphaned children are internally displaced in an active, unmerciful war zone. Years have gone by without proper education and livelihoods for millions of innocent civilians in the country.

In the Spring of 2016, Jerry Adams and the Rev. Teri Daily had coffee at Stoby’s with Mouaz Moustafa, the Executive Director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force. Mouaz told them about a school predominantly for orphans in Idlib Province in Syria. After speaking with other parishioners, a decision was made by St. Peter’s and others in the Conway community to make a difference in the lives of these children.

A working group was formed from members of the Conway community, and The Wisdom House Project was born, an initiative to sustain and connect to a Syrian orphanage for at least the next five years. Church, hospital, business, education, and community leaders in Conway meet regularly to make decisions and plan events to advocate, educate, and fundraise for The Wisdom House School in Syria.

Find out more about this project at