Card Ministry
The Card Ministry, serving as part of the Cares and Concerns Committee, sends hand written cards of Congratulations (including Marriage and New Parents), Encouragement, Get Well, and Sympathy, as well as for Baptism, Confirmation and Graduation. Two Coordinators and a small team of volunteers who mail cards on a rotation plan presently make up this Ministry. Additional volunteers are welcome.
Community of Hope
COH is composed of many individuals within the church and the community who have taken a 12-week training class to be able to minister to the sick and shut-ins. This group was originated by a hospital chaplain who saw a need for ministry in the hospital and among the sick and elderly that could not be met by one person but needed a community of people to reach out. We are trying to revitalize this group here at Saint Peter's and would love to hear from anyone who is interested.
Meals Ministry
The food ministry provides meals and food for various needs within the church including receptions for families after funeral services, providing meals for new parents, those suffering from various illnesses or surgery, or any family in need as identified by the clergy staff.
We now also include the Casserole Ministry to fill freezers with casseroles for needed meals that would be available to the clergy as needed. Various size casseroles will be available depending on the size of the family including vegetarian meals. That way, those who might be otherwise too busy to help with this ministry, can pick up a casserole from the freezer and provide a salad and bread to complete the meal.