Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
Women of the Episcopal Church first met in 1871 in an effort to bring women together to "quicken the missionary spirit and urge it to prompt and generous action". Throughout the years the auxiliary grew in numbers and direction. ECW supported the work of the women in the Church in not only "supporting missionaries, but in social service, religious education, prayer and worship. They also became extremely successful at fundraising!
ECW has been through many changes as women struggled to play a larger and greater role in the Church. ECW's in all Dioceses of the Episcopal Church found ways to support women's ministries and fulfill the promise as stated in the ECW prayer to "draw closer to each other, labor more unitedly, give more freely, pray more fervently, and follow the example of Jesus."
It is now 2016. Women at Saint Peter's may be "Baby Boomers" or "Millennials" and our diversity is shown in the many different roles and needs we might face. One thing we do know is that we enjoy getting together! Whether it is sharing a meal, visiting an art gallery together, having a spiritual conversation with someone or driving someone to an appointment we are ECW in action.
We are in the process of identifying our needs as women of Saint Peter's and how we can best fulfill these needs. We are attempting to adapt to changing needs, and we are looking at creative and different ways to strengthen relationships. Please consider becoming an active part of this new ministry.
The Event Team plans and organizes many of the social and fun events that are part of our life together at Saint Peter's. If you are interested in helping with any of the many events that take place during the year (Rally Day picnic, Oktoberfest, Trunk-R-Treat, etc.)
The Fledglings: A Saint Peter's Writing Group
No level of prior experience is necessary--this group is open to anyone who thinks writing may sound like fun! The group meets Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. in a classroom off the Christian Education hallway. We are using the book One Year to a Writing Life: Twelve Lessons to Deepen Every Writer's Art and Craft by Susan M. Tiberghien.
Foyers provides a means for newcomers to enter a small group setting and get to know the Saint Peter's family. An emphasis is on incorporating newcomers into these social groups. Groups meet once a month in each other's homes for dinner and a fun time.
The Library team catalogs books donated to the library (located in Room 1 of the Education Wing), re-shelves books that are returned, and repairs books as needed. Volunteers come in once a week.
The Men's Group
The current gathering sprung from the energy of the Rev. Andrew Hybl during his tenure as the St. Peter's curate a few years ago. Saint Peter's has had a history of having regular men's breakfasts or dinners but has not been able to sustain this type of organization - however, we are on a roll.
The current gathering meets five times a year primarily for fellowship but occasionally has a program. This group meets every other month starting in January but skips the summer - so the second Monday of January, March, May, September and November - this group gathers at the Morgan House at 6pm for a potluck - actually one hardy soul provides the main course and everyone else pitches in with side dishes, desserts and drinks.
This continues to be a great way to stay in the touch with the men of the church as well as introduce new members to this cohort of the Saint Peter's community.
Newcomers Ministry
The Newcomers Ministry welcomes people into our congregation through fellowship opportunities, information, and making connections. It's a great way to share in the all- embracing hospitality to which we are called as Christians.
Saint Peter's Artists Collective (SPARC)
This newly formed ministry is a gathering of like-minded parishioners who believe we experience God in so many creative ways. We are inspired as we enjoy a painting or listen to the choir; as we watch a theatrical performance or read a poem; or as we reflect on a writer’s words after sharing a beautifully created meal with our friends. There are countless ways that God’s glory shines through the arts.
We strive to provide opportunities for artists, parishioners, and the community to interact with each other through art and musical events. We offer art classes and workshops to help educate and inform. We believe that our participation inspires and connects us to God in unexpected ways.
Theology Coffee Group
The Coffeehouse Theology Discussion Group meets once a month to discuss a theologian and the implications of his writings on our lives. It is an informal group that assumes no prior theological training. We meet on Thursday nights for an hour at the Panera Bread Co. in Hendrix Village. Everyone, regardless of religious affiliation, are welcome.