Acolytes are individuals age 8 to adulthood who serve at the altar in our Sunday services. There are torch bearers, crucifers (the individual who carries the cross in the process), and gospelers (the individual who carries the Gospel book in the procession). Acolytes usually serve once a month at either the 9am or 11am services, and can begin and advance at their own pace.
Altar Guild
The ministry of the Altar Guild is one which sometimes goes unnoticed because of the dedication of its members. The 24 men and women of Saint Peter's Altar Guild are a wonderful group who love our church community. They are ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Altar Guild members are dependable and well-informed communicants working behind the scenes for every service held in our church. New members are always welcomed. The Guild works in four teams who serve 3-4 times per year for one month at a time.
Adult Choir
St. Augustine said "He who sings prays twice." Our adult choir contributes every Sunday to the worship at Saint Peter's. We could always use new members! Free robes (nice new blue ones!), a guaranteed seat at Christmas and Easter, no need to dress up - the robe covers up a lot, and if you listen really closely, sometimes you would swear that the heavenly choir is singing with us! We meet at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday morning and sing at the 11:00 service. We are an unauditioned group of people who simply want to use our voices to praise the Lord!
Contemplative Quaker Fellowship
Contemplative Quaker Fellowship is a silent worship service rooted in Quaker spirituality. This service typically has a short reading followed by silent contemplation as we listen for the Holy Spirit's inward guiding presence. Contemplative Quaker Fellowship is a quiet place to listen, reflect, discern, and grow within a compassionate, contemplative community. It meets in a circle each Sunday from 7:00-8:00 PM in the Saint Peter's side chapel.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers prayerfully serve the clergy and congregation at the Table by offering the common cup and assisting in other ways during worship, such as reading the Prayers of the People (optional). Eucharistic Ministers usually serve once a month. EMs (as you will hear them referred to) must be 16 years or older and confirmed members of the church.
Eucharistic Visitors
"In the name of this congregation, we send you forth bearing these Holy gifts..." With these words Eucharistic Visitors are sent out from the 9 and 11 o'clock services to take communion to homebound parishioners, or those in the hospital. Along with communion, visitors bring news of the congregation and a listening ear for other needs a visitee might have.
Family Feast
Make no excuses, saying you cannot attend; simply come, for around this table you will find your family." --Sing the Journey (These are the words we say as we begin our Family Feast.) Family Feast is an informal potluck meal, shared around one large table, during which we receive Communion. Modelling our meal after the last supper of Christ, we celebrate Eucharist - first by the breaking of the bread, then after the meal, by passing the cup. During the course of the evening we seek to tell the story of God and our place in in by singing songs, reading scripture, and by praying together as a family. We encourage all who attend to bring a friend, bring a dish, and bring your hands open wide - ready to give and ready to receive - as we keep the feast together. Family Feast meets once a quarter on Sunday nights.
Handbell Choir
The handbell choir is a small group of eleven people who are great team players. Playing handbells is like a sport, each person having their own "spot" that they are responsible for. We play at festive services; Advent, Christmas, Palm Sunday, and Easter. Practice is on specific Sundays directly after the 11:00 service.
Ministry Teams
The lectors are those individuals who read the lessons during our worship services. Ushers at Saint Peter's are responsible for handing out service bulletins, greeting people as they enter the sanctuary, collecting alms from the congregation, and facilitating the flow of the congregation during Holy Communion. Greeters stand at both the front and lobby doors to welcome churchgoers and orient newcomers to all the facilities. The warm and welcoming individuals who serve in this ministry are the first people that newcomers see upon entering the church. Oblationers bring forward the bread and wine during worship services. All of these ministries are coordinated through our ministry teams.Individuals interested in serving in these ministries are placed on one of four ministry teams. Each team serves on average once a month. It is a fun way to get to know people, to learn more about our worship, and to share ministry within a group context. If you'd like to join a ministry team or to learn more about it, please contact the church office.